Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wikipedia Malaria Incubation Period

Guest Post: Should be studying abroad forever?

Many students decide during their studies to spend at least a semester abroad. The reform of the Bachelor and Master degree programs designed to facilitate visits abroad and make study results achieved creditable. Often this is easier said than done. By no means all foreign universities offer appropriate courses, which can easily be credited to study in Germany. There is often a back and forth between study coordinators and students in terms of credit on profits credit points (CP). Many universities require that attended courses abroad to incorporate themes into the country studies and the price level is already advanced. For many countries there are now tables or formulas for various credit-and the most important is probably the so-called "Bavarian formula", which however is also not a general purpose weapon.

any foreign university CP awards according to their own criteria, so the value of foreign-generated CP is usually not with those of a German university are considered equal. In general, students should achieve in a semester 30 CP. There are universities that award if only for a price up to 15 credits, others are less inflationary contrast to the CP award. It can be assumed that German students attend an average of at least four to five courses at foreign universities (and) there is need to do to get charged the full semester abroad in Germany.

However, the question remains about the meaning of study abroad. Certainly it's great to live some time in another country to experience a different culture, to expand his language skills. But: Must submit all really that delusional, the challenges our society? In many courses a semester is already mandatory. Universities close to each other contracts that assure you to be able to send a certain number of students each to the other institution. The problem is that the "foreign disease" in other countries not as pronounced as in Germany, where everyone has felt abroad, or should. German students are represented in foreign universities at home, however, is the need of foreign students to study in Germany, not nearly as pronounced (there are undoubtedly many foreign Students at German universities).

particularly universities in English, English and French speaking countries receive more students from Germany send Herself. Meanwhile, there are universities (especially in England), which no longer be interested in inter-university exchange agreements, because too many students are received and only a minority is posted. For the benefit of these universities is simply much less than the cost. You pick out the most prestigious universities and are limited only to those in the exchange.

is without doubt a study abroad an enormous broadening of dar. Nevertheless, once be given to whether there really any student for a semester spent abroad, or whether this does not degenerate slowly - after all, there are also translators and interpreters.



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