Saturday, June 26, 2010

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Medieval universities

A historical background on the history of universities is not a bad thing because me and the topic itself also interested (as with everything else that is reading this blog), I write about old universities today. Much more than what Dr. Faust wrote in the beginning in Faust I and what is reported in the book 'The Physician' about the medical institution in the Islamic field, I knew that is not even past. Most of this article can be in German and English Wikipedia articles on the topic. Some details I have from other sites. Maybe I'll soon be something more to the history of the Doctor's degree writing (which, incidentally, was formerly a master's degree the same set, but all I would like to anticipate).

Since I do not much about the early Islamic religious schools and do not know about the philosophical academies of Greece, I focus in this posting on the European universities in the Middle Ages. These have been under the direction of the church (especially monastic schools).

scholars were the seven liberal arts , law, medicine and theology ( Wikipedia page to ).

According List of oldest universities there was the oldest institutions in Italy and France. Oxford and Cambridge are also very old. The oldest universities in Europe are therefore Prague and Vienna and the oldest universities in Germany, Erfurt, Heidelberg and Cologne (all founded in the 14th century).

The first university with its own campus was Cambridge (previously searched areas were needed somewhere). Also interesting in the Wikipedia article: The lectures began 5:00 to 6:00 - Who would replace it? treated

Since students in Europe were used as monks, they also had the same immunity to the law and could commit crimes without having really taken the responsibility to be. Here is a quote about this: theft, rape and murder were among students who had to take any serious consequences, not unusual.

Also interesting is the comparison with the periods of study that we know today and which I have written here. " To a Bachelor had to be studied for six years. Up to 12 more were for the attainment of a master or doctorate's degree required."

Now for the next source, namely ~ pz / dental / page librdisc.htm :

The language in the study was Latin and professors were forbidden to write faster than the students could take notes. But: The daily routine of the students were crammed and hard. This explains the importance of word studiare " operate, seek something . It was also required, which was to learn and a student had to learn it dogmatic. It is also interesting that the studies at the age of 13/14 years was recorded and the social background of students was not significant.

tooth continues: The students were - as now - always without money, tired and full of learning ... Pleasure seeking (Cardini p. 25). They were not under municipal law had far-reaching tax benefits, subject of one university to another, wrote poems, consumed a lot and produced little, had no prejudices, demonstrated ... their contempt for the institution of marriage and praised the free love. (the 68-issue was probably not that new ...?)

Who has the book 'The philosopher ' read the, the picture that Prof. dental records of the philosophers, familiar: The artists because of their poverty were also generally less appreciated: because they earned less than doctors and lawyers, was the mob of Paris, the philosopher of shabby Professors who were prone to ideological disputes and their students were without doubt the most undisciplined of all, a nation of shouters with little money, which populated the pubs and on street intersections with dice (...)

play so much to the medieval university. Other posts I plan to adjacent areas already.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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Guest Post: Should be studying abroad forever?

Many students decide during their studies to spend at least a semester abroad. The reform of the Bachelor and Master degree programs designed to facilitate visits abroad and make study results achieved creditable. Often this is easier said than done. By no means all foreign universities offer appropriate courses, which can easily be credited to study in Germany. There is often a back and forth between study coordinators and students in terms of credit on profits credit points (CP). Many universities require that attended courses abroad to incorporate themes into the country studies and the price level is already advanced. For many countries there are now tables or formulas for various credit-and the most important is probably the so-called "Bavarian formula", which however is also not a general purpose weapon.

any foreign university CP awards according to their own criteria, so the value of foreign-generated CP is usually not with those of a German university are considered equal. In general, students should achieve in a semester 30 CP. There are universities that award if only for a price up to 15 credits, others are less inflationary contrast to the CP award. It can be assumed that German students attend an average of at least four to five courses at foreign universities (and) there is need to do to get charged the full semester abroad in Germany.

However, the question remains about the meaning of study abroad. Certainly it's great to live some time in another country to experience a different culture, to expand his language skills. But: Must submit all really that delusional, the challenges our society? In many courses a semester is already mandatory. Universities close to each other contracts that assure you to be able to send a certain number of students each to the other institution. The problem is that the "foreign disease" in other countries not as pronounced as in Germany, where everyone has felt abroad, or should. German students are represented in foreign universities at home, however, is the need of foreign students to study in Germany, not nearly as pronounced (there are undoubtedly many foreign Students at German universities).

particularly universities in English, English and French speaking countries receive more students from Germany send Herself. Meanwhile, there are universities (especially in England), which no longer be interested in inter-university exchange agreements, because too many students are received and only a minority is posted. For the benefit of these universities is simply much less than the cost. You pick out the most prestigious universities and are limited only to those in the exchange.

is without doubt a study abroad an enormous broadening of dar. Nevertheless, once be given to whether there really any student for a semester spent abroad, or whether this does not degenerate slowly - after all, there are also translators and interpreters.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

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The study model in Germany

something I had already blogged about degrees and Bachelor's degrees in special . Now I want something more responsive to the entire system. The following Figure 1 shows this system using a timeline (click image for large view).
Figure 1: Study system in Dtl, (C) 2010 St. Wendzel

The current basic financial statements for an. Studies in Germany and Europe of the Bachelor's degree. The normal period for him is usually 6 semester (ie 3 years). Sometimes it lasts for 7 and in rare cases 8 semesters.

The FH-Diploma is awarded after 8 semesters. The University Diploma after 9 to 10 semesters of study.

include a master's degree must always be ten semesters of study normally and is sometimes higher than to see a university diploma.

A medical degree takes even longer (11 dentistry, human medicine as much as 13 semester (Source: University of Tübingen)). This is according to the medical school of the doctoral degrees probably reached faster than in other disciplines (Source: Wikipedia). A doctoral degree in law is probably quite quickly (I read something from 2 years ago) available. In some cases this will, however, vary widely. Some theses last ten years, and this is the case in all disciplines.

In the STEM subjects (math-computer science, natural sciences and technology) and in the humanities, it will take you to a doctor's degree to a Master's or graduate degree and a building upon average four to five years of doctoral work in total about 10 years.

If you want to then go one better place, one can also habilitation or so obtain the teaching qualification in universities.

the doctoral degree is obtained in Germany averages about 30 years, the habilitation of approximately 40 years. The course you take in most cases, probably with 19-22 years. Now you can figure out, how incredibly invest too much time is what.

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content and requirements of computer science studies

on what needs to be adjusted, if one wants to study computer science?

After I am now almost finished my master's degree, I believe in myself competent to answer this question and wish all future computer science students or those who want to become, perhaps, provide information for the study.

The dash computer science

should, in most cases, the basic study computer science (any kind) is very similar (but more on that later). Different, however, the orientation and content of the computer science graduate studies, as there are various areas in computer science. Generally, a distinction is made between general computer science and computer science hyphen. The dash-computer science disciplines such as economics computer science, bioinformatics, geo-informatics and automotive computer science. These subjects have their own special and orientations, which are the fundamentals of computer science that are taught in basic studies, mainly computer science-specific skills and knowledge of a second science (such as business administration and biology) are presented.

There are also general computer science courses with depressions in the main study. In this case, a lower proportion of studies on the application of computer science for other sciences is designed. If one studies such as computer science, majoring in business computer science, the study is much less economics and computer science-heavy-heavy than a full study of business computer science. In the latter, the computer science industry is not only gravity, but the subject of study.

The basic study

But now to the basic study of computer science. The basic study, the basic knowledge of various disciplines, but primarily in mathematics and theoretical computer science and provides the programming (so at least my experience). The basic course comprises 2 to 4 semesters of study (depending on the degree) and includes subjects such as:

- algorithms and data structures: How can things be computed (efficiently) and how they can be represented in memory? For example, sorting algorithms here are more of an issue. Sort can actually everything in computer science and an efficient sorting is not always simple.

- Mathematics (a relatively large share of each basic computer science studies).

- Theoretical computer science. This, first include the clarification of basic terms such as 'algorithm', 'Graph', 'Grammar', 'machine', 'entropy', etc. Then these issues will be deepened (through the machine-theory or logic).

- Programming: The basic study is (according to university or college) to program in at least 1-2 major programming languages taught. At universities, this is mentioned with relatively high certainty a functional programming language like Haskell or Scheme, at universities of applied sciences is here, however, often with C, C + + or Java started. The basic concepts of various programming languages (functional, procedural, object-oriented, ...) but will give each student (no matter which university).

- Basics of computer science: Here, if not done by any other event, an introduction into basic concepts of computer science. Moreover, Insights in computer architectures, operating system architectures, programming concepts, binary numbers ...

There may be the end of the basic studies events on software engineering, databases, to a minor, technical computer science (that is, the more electro-oriented sub-area) and networks to computability theory and complexity theory, information theory and IT security and other advanced areas.

For main course I can say at this point not much, since it is extremely different can be targeted. Would, however, respond briefly to the four major areas of computer science.

The four major areas of computer science

The computer science is divided into theoretical computer science, technical and practical computer science and applied computer science on. First of all: These areas of computer science overlap strong!

On the theoretical computer science builds the entire structure of computer science, it deals with such complexity theory, computability and information theory and logic.

The technical computer science is located very close to the Mechatronics / Electrical Engineering. It deals with the technical implementation of computer science equipment (like robots) and their regulation. Also techniques for data transmission (such as CAN networks in cars) fall into this area.

is in the practical computer science it comes to issues such as computer graphics, databases. Operating systems, programming languages / compilers and software engineering.

Based on the existing three regions, there is the applied computer science. It deals with how the knowledge and technology of computer science can be usefully employed. Typical topics are about the modeling and optimization of business processes, supply chain management, storage and display of knowledge for Companies. In applied computer science also fall (all? / Most?) Dash computer sciences, such as economics computer science, medical computer science, etc.

The applied computer science uses for its objectives, the knowledge of the practical and technical computer science, in turn, the findings of theoretical computer science . use

What's even more to say about the requirements? Well ... analytical thinking and abstraction are a big advantage.

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motivation: learning things that are not interested

Studying one is often faced with the situation of having to learn something with which one does not want to deal in the least, this one often learns only later how useful the individual substance but can be - An example from my study:

In my first studies I had to get the UML (Unified Modeling Language) deal. I held UML for a way to show completely stupid programming, what to do. Finally, I could understand without this stupid UML kernel code from OpenBSD, and the system programs from Linux. I thought - should I even manage software projects - to bad programmers just not in the project include (if possible), but only geeks and gurus half. The result of my consistent position was 4.0 in the trade that I would mess up my degree certificate later, the only such a bad note.

few semesters later, In the same study, I had to be more intense with UML and Co. look what I managed much better, because my inner acceptance of the topic was already greater. In the first Semester of my Master's degree in Augsburg, I again have to deal with UML, BPML and Co., this time more intense than before, and slowly but surely I could in the course of the semester, my dislike of UML eliminate entirely. In fact, I now see UML as a useful tool for modeling business processes.

very same happened to me with the math, hated the mathematics that seemed so useless and difficult, over time, but it was interesting. I am still not very good at math, but thanks to some feelings of success in the last ten semesters, my growing interest in mathematics in some areas (especially for the algebra, with which I had to face me probably the most intense) now anyway.

It seems to me: the growing interest in a topic with increasing engagement with the subject. So that would mean: recognizes the more details you know and and the more you know about a subject, the greater the interest in this topic. But is it really? Some issues that I simply do not interest, although I have been tormented for years with them, I will probably never find interesting.

Friday, June 18, 2010

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Baltic Brett Battle 2010

Dates 2010

second Baltic Battle Board - 3 contests, 1 Overall winner, 100% Skateboarding

4th Skateboard Contest Greifswald
Date: 10 July 2010 from 11 clock
Location: Greifswald / Skate Park in the People's Stadium

third Skateboard Contest
Date: 17 July 2010 from 11 clock
Location: Rostock / Skate Park August-Bebel-Strasse

10th PSM Skateboard Contest
Date: 31 July 2010 from 11 clock
Location: Sellin / PSM skate park on the B196

Baltic Brett Battle 2010

For the region, for skateboarding!

the skateboard scene in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern develop network, and across Germany to call attention to it - That is the goal of the Baltic Brett Battle 2010th The skateboard contest series is held for the second time, combining established local skateboard competitions to an exciting championship. At the three sites Greifswald, Rostock and Sellin compete to the best skateboard riders of the state and beyond.
The kick off on 10 July 2010 at the 4th Skateboard Contest Greifswald in the People's Stadium. This is another of the State Prevention sponsored event organized by the Youth Office in cooperation with the group of night sports and the Baltic board is organized Team Battle.
new is the second stop on 17 July 2010 in Rostock. The Skate Park in the August-Bebel-Strasse place for the third time the Skateboard Contest held, providing a great asset to the Baltic Board Battle 2010th
The third stop and that the final increase at 31 PSM July 2010 in Skate Park at the B 196 in Sellin. The members of the first skateboard club on the island Rügen, Park Skating Association Mönchgut organize their tenth contest and now celebrate this anniversary with a big party after the competition. In addition, there will be an exhibition on the association's work in recent years in the marine park give Sellin.
All three stops of the Baltic Brett Battle start from 11 clock.

mode / process / rating / prices

Registration for the Baltic Brett Battle takes place on the day of competition and there is no entry fee is required. In the runs
connect skateboarders directly "against another" (depending on group size) in two-up to groups of four. This is the one who the next round, which creates in the allotted time, the better tricks with his board and this connects well with his run. In the final days are then compared with the best drivers of the day. The runs in the preliminary rounds, each lasting two minutes. In the finale, viewers can look forward to a five-minute animated fireworks. Reviewed are the drivers by a competent jury.
There is always one day and one overall winner in the Baltic Brett Battle. The best of the stops in Greifswald, Rostock and Sellin get points be aggregated at the end and give the overall winner.
also will there be each a "best trick" contest where the best trick prize at a predetermined ramp.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

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Do I always Abi to study?

A high school (Abitur) is not always required to study. First, is the necessary condition on the state, the other on the selected type of university.

In Hesse it is possible for example to study without graduating from a university (such as Kassel), whereas in most other states is not possible. It is necessary then, however, several years of work experience and possibly an additional test for the detection of a quality education. Especially in artistic programs may also be included gifted students without a diploma.

cooperative education ("dual Study "), college and university

There is a difference in whether one at a university of applied sciences (formerly" wants to study university "), a vocational college or university.

A is Berufsakademie an intermediate structure between normal Vocational training and studies. The half of a vocational college student (also a "dual degree" referred) completed one as a student assistant in a company and the other half at a university or vocational college. The course is usually 6 semester. A clear benefit of cooperative education : The student is by his company over the entire study paid.

At a University of Applied Sciences (formerly College), the study-oriented while still a little practice, however, takes this for some time now and is in no comparison to the cooperative education. After a change in the law at the beginning of the millennium also received technical colleges and a research contract accordingly there is a term higher education is now based and scientifically. Graduates both for research and Industrial (here mostly for managerial) trained. To this end, students almost always have to do an internship.

At a University is the study almost completely designed scientifically. Although some universities now are somewhat practical, and expect students practice weeks in the industry, but is still more focus directed towards science, as in universities of applied sciences.

The duration of study for bachelor's and master's degrees by universities and colleges same .

technical college, high school equivalent, and

There are various ways to the typical way (that is, without exception paths, such as longer work experience) to come to a place (assuming each of the middle school):

The subject-specific technical college (scope: German + Maths + English in addition to training)
With a subject-specific technical college in an area (such as engineering or business) may be an appropriate subject from the field study at a university.

General technical college (scope: at least 1 year full-time school + previous one, at least zweij vocational training.)
The general technical college can be studied each subject at a university.

school diploma / technical higher educational (range: 2 years full-time education at a Bavarian about specialized high school):
The technical diploma may participate in any university / college / vocational academy a specialist in the field of vocational baccalaureate diploma can be studied.

Abitur / Abitur (3 years full-time school):
As with school diploma only, without restriction to an area.

Meets thus a Abi in each case? be

No, because (set by the numerus clausus shortly NC) often have a good grade point average achieved (eg for the study of medicine or psychology, he is often in close to 1.0 to 1.2).

regard to the alternative of "normal" job training: are particularly in the trades is a tremendous shortage of qualified candidates and job security! (As May 2010) Not every person is essential to study and because of the shortage of skilled workers in the labor market training companies pay a lot of training Flohn! The study and the career ladder, according to a vocational training by the way never built and the self as an entrepreneur is easier with a subsequent master's degree is no problem and also the subsequent access to an education, but without vocational training / master (see above).

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bachelor's degrees - which are there?

there used a variety of master's and graduate degrees (such as the physicist, the psychologist and the graduate diploma in computer science), then the Bachelors and Masters degrees shall no longer by subjects, but on the nature of the course to. This physics, computer science, psychology and Co. are such as to the "sciences" (sciences) and cultural studies, literature and philosophy to the "arts" (Arts).

According to this classification are called Bachelor's degrees these courses could not simply "Bachelor" but as "Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts.

There are in addition to the aforementioned bachelor's degrees a few more. Here is a list:

  • Bachelor of Science, in short B.Sc. (natural sciences, mathematics, psychology, computer science)
  • Bachelor of (Fine) Arts, in short BA / BFA (arts, humanities, like Germanic ...)
  • Bachelor of Music / Musical Arts, shortly B.Mus. / BMA (musicology)
  • Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. short (Law)
  • Bachelor of Engineering, in short B. Eng. (Engineering, such as engineering, information technology, mechatronics and electrical engineering)
  • Bachelor of Education, in short B.Ed. (Teaching profession)

same goes for Master degrees (such as: Master of Science (M.Sc.), Master of Arts (MA)). However, there are non-consecutive master degree programs, degrees, for which a bachelor's equivalent, exists as a Master of Business Administration (MBA).

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As a prospective student, you not only faces the choice of a degree program, but has to deal with the financial statements. Were a few years ago the standard diploma and master degrees, one now faces a two-step way.

Bachelor and Master: The new way is

Since the Bologna Process came into force, are the new Bachelor and Master degrees. First, a student obtaining a bachelor's degree. This bachelor's degree can apply for a master's degree.

Credit points

In a bachelor's or master's degree must-called credit points are collected. In the normal case, 30 such credits, which are a reward for successfully passed exams, made term papers, seminar presentations and will be awarded for similar achievements, attained by a student.

includes this reason, a bachelor 180-240 credit points (6 * 30 8 * CP and 30 CP). One credit point is to have actually at all European universities the same value (one often speaks of the European Credit Transfer System short ETCS). In practice, credits are in a high school exchange but hardly accepted by other universities for similar courses at another university. This problem occurs especially for study abroad, according to which brought with CP should be credited to the home university.

The Bachelor

The Bachelor has a normal period of 3 to 4 years (in most cases 3 or 3.5 years, ie 6 or 7 semesters). In exceptional cases, while bachelor's degree programs, offering 4 academic years (8 semesters) and are usually completed a Bachelor with Honors, "which is equated by the degree colleges.

The Master

A master program is usually on a bachelor's degree the same species ("consecutive Master") or any non-specialist is just * * Bachelor advance (non-consecutive Master "). A consecutive Master course would be for example a Master degree in computer science that always (or requires a very similar discipline) a previous bachelor's degree in computer science. Does it not exactly the prescribed Bachelor for a master's degree, must often be made up from the Bachelor degree examinations of their subject. A non-consecutive master degree program would be called, however, a master in Management, Master of Business Administration (MBA). A graduate with a bachelor's degree in mathematics is therefore without Problems completing an MBA.

A master's program includes 2-4 terms (60 to 120 CP) is used and in most cases, the deepening of scientific knowledge of students. Often master degree programs but also offer practical deepening knowledge - such as a Master of Business Administration.

The admission requirements for master's courses are very different. It is often necessary to reach an average of 2.5 in undergraduate studies as well as 2.0 in the Bachelor's thesis (Bachelor Thesis).

study model in Germany

What accounts for what follows, and how long it is taking, I have already described here .