Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why Do I Have White Bumps On My Snakebites

more luck than sense .... curse on Einsiedel still resistant

the first leg late last year auszukramen with this great result on the web from Einsiedel was probably just a mistake. The curse is for us over the railway is likely to remain pervasive. The achieved results just do not fit into this, our season .... except for one major exception. But Flöha "faltering" with us so that we could still keep the lead almost.
René started this time and at the end 394 cones were to book. Ronny put to proper and brought us with 442 wood cone 40 in Saturday's fighting in the lead. At the end, this should also be the highest individual score of the day. "Spoon" erpielte also acceptable timber 418. Unfortunately dannach came the big turnaround. Holger (388), Udo ( from 51st ball replaced by Simon - 359) and Sven 388 did not clear the track and in the end it was 2388 wood and 3rd place of Saturday. 1st place for Eska III and the 2 for the hosts. In the end, that was the leading duo. For Eska III already the 2nd Win in a row .... Congratulations!
Sunday remained Eska II and Mittelbach behind us and so we were able to collect another 3 points - admittedly Dimensions are not very worthy of this result, considering where we are in the table and how the career to date was then. But pursuers Flöha weakened and played us for 12 wooden bowling in 2400 and took exactly 4 points. This gives us fortunately (!) For the remaining 2 rounds 8 points ahead. This should be enough
fast - even if it is not mathematically decided!? But our goal for these two games it should now be befitting to bring the season to end - so good to outstanding results. Best of all quite impressive in 2 weeks on the plant south of unity "to make the bag "....
Results and tables on the CKV-side and the wall board at the edge blog - you know yes ...^^;)


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