Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Job Interview Etiquette

finds XVI

By Stefan Sasse

If you have no idea, you should let's maybe. Rudolf Walther may in any case with Taz in a recent article, " men in elite combat " such a great bunch of nonsense together, you just beat up his hands above his head. This concerns, as so often, to the Second World War and the Nazis

For one shortened Walther roughly the contents of the so-called "historians dispute".
"[The dispute over the diplomats of the AA with the . to compare historical dispute] is devoid of expertise in the historical dispute in 1986 it was about one of Joachim Fest (FAZ) and dismissed Ernst Nolte has been threaded trivialization of Nazi crimes Nolte's reasoning.. The crimes of Stalin had time occurred earlier than Hitler's was part of the primed German national, spiritual and moral "turning maneuver. The critical public refused wants to argue there for months historian (hence the name historians dispute), but really are up to hard and Nolte all agree Not that I'm here Nolte five solid defense, but how;. flatly "
Quite interesting. which is shown here above is simply nonsense Walther but makes more equal.
"Against the apologetic attitude of the German historical scholarship occupied Fischer expansive war aims of the Empire and the main culprit of Kaiser Wilhelm II and his government in the First World War. Conservative chiefs of the guild historian 1961-64 unleashed a wild propaganda battle against Fischer's thesis and took the Foreign office to block the funds for a lecture tour in the U.S. fisherman. This did not succeed because American universities stepped in. Today contradict Fisher's thesis only nationalists and other fools. "
Oh, I fool. It is always easy to defend theses in that it explains all the counter spoke to morons, but it's really safe, a consensus the history of science statuieren fact that Fischer's thesis research into the First World War have advanced considerably -. his conclusions and conclusions, but shares in its form today, nobody The same is true for Wehler "Exceptionalism" thesis: the study of history is now on; Wehler fishermen were pioneers, as historians are forever. A final truth, they have also not found, so it might fit in this case in Walther's world view that is added appears to impose

so much the intention to commend Walthers -. Against the actually existing efforts to make relativization young conservative historians and amateur historians - so much he shoots, unfortunately, beyond the target. The audience of the taz may perhaps have remained dependent on the state of the '68 rebellion, but now there is really no longer necessary, to throw himself in such aggression, and with such zeal against the slightest suspicion of relativity. A codification of the Nazi image of history brings us no progress meter. The processing and memory work is hampered by more venom as Walther.


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