Sunday, September 26, 2010

Haircolor And Rosaces

Contest" Transition rocks! "- A familiar conclusion of the events of the season 2010 in MV

It was almost a family atmosphere at the "Transition rocks!" Last Saturday. Nice cozy, comfortable and best of all: There were a lot of kids at the start, which it has considered the fun at the contest and go, especially at the skateboard itself. About ambition or nothing with rumsnaken. Flea Werbke presented by Melon Skate Shop a great contest on the legs, which will attract in the coming years, hopefully more participants in the PSM Skate Park in Sellin.

"rocks Transition!" The participants at the 2010

Particularly noteworthy was the fact that with Lotti Blohm from Stralsund finally a female participant in a Contest was spotted in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. They showed their colleagues the same time as he took it and finished with the "rookies" in second place. Only Raik Jahnke, also of Stralsund was even better.
And, as it should be otherwise, Thomas Woller was again the first in the seasoned warrior.
was especially for the kids, it probably like Christmas and birthday together. Each participant was given that is one of the many prices of Melon Skate Shop, Radio Skateboards, Fallen and Independent have been sponsored.

Thomas Woller - Kickflip to rock

evaluation "Transition rocks!" 2010:

The old bags:
first Thomas Woller
second Björn Melms
third Martin Buchholz
4th Fred Kietzmann
5th Jan Kramer

Raik Jahnke in the mini mini

Rookies: 1st
Raik Jahnke
second Lotti Blohm
third Max Schroeder
4th Patrick Frentzel
5th Malte Schmiedel
6th Mark Bloching
7th Lars Brandt
8th Tim Kleiss
9th Richard Weigel

photos: C. Eder

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Whats Better Invisalign Or Clearstep

" rocks Transition! " and Bowlbau in Sellin Tilman

To all the fans ramp and bowl Rocker: The Melon Skate Shop invites this coming Saturday in the Skate Park on Rügen Sellin PSM for the second "transition Rocks! "A contest. As the name suggests, are the "round" ramps are at the heart of the action and thus form a nice contrast to the remaining contests in our state. The so-called "stick your line" mode is new. Here are the participants, given in a specific order to moving ramps. The trick, of course, they may choose themselves. You can win a lot of stuff from Radio Skateboards, Fallen Shoes, and Independent. All skateboarders are not on mini ramps and bowl Corners are invited to Summer Contest 2010 season due to complete. The rest of the park is at your disposal and after the contest is still the "Chill and Grill" is loaded. So pack a beer, bratwurst and board and get to the island!

Michi Simon rocks the moon launch pad last summer. (Photo: A. Krueger)

Transition Rocks!
When? 25. September 2010 from 11 clock
Where? PSM skate park on the B196 in Sellin

to Fit Rockt Transition! "To do something going on in terms of ramp construction Sellin Skate Park. The club members working on the Park Skating Mönchgut on a new Bowl. In collaboration with Radio-Pro Lennie Burmeister is a good piece to be built entirely himself. After the first steps is Florian Werbke, drove his label association chairman of the Park Skating Mönchgut, Melon skate shop owner and many years of local island skateboard scene in the Mellow Park in Berlin. There he took off a few more tips and tricks to make the PSM Bowl ne fluffy and no matter impassable concrete bowl. But flea knows what he does, you looks at the concrete Corner in the park (one of the obstacles in the Transition Rocks!).
Who wants to ramp construction, flea can feel free to contact the following number (0160/4185197) and help.

were a few are already done. The PPP members still need help in building their Bowls! (Photo: F. Werbke)

Monday, September 20, 2010

How Long For Omeprazole To Get Out Of My System

record hunting in Mittelbach

After we have left our "second home track" in Mittelbach down last season, is this weekend, everything was re-compensated. And clearly won the second Round here ...
Perhaps it was also due to the confusion of the enemy;) - for other players final Sven placed I move at the start and, with 442 wood a first significant "scent mark". Simon presented with 443 Wood for the same. The next blow was then Ronny , who is currently facing probably his very best. With 466 Wood he secured not only the best score of the match day, but also another new junior track record! then played its Udo also a new record - with 427 wood he won the highest ever bag in our team history. ^ ^ For
circuit made "spoon" with 434 yet a liver - but this time René - With fantastic 457 Wood .
stood on end for us cone 2669 to book - bedeuted new team track record!

Flöha finished with 76 wood residue rank 2 We are now with those at the top of the table. But since they have not had a home game they want to book more away points. 3rd place occupied Eska II (-106 cone), which now share with Eska III # 3 on the table ... There

All scores and standings are on the page of the CKV
Our "current wall poster is located on the edge ^ ^ Blog

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why Does Semen Smell So Bad

Next Station MiBA .....

After We're quite confident start to the season, we are coming Sunday on the tracks from the Middle Bacher SV guest.
This system in itself was always well positioned us so that we can set a goal for our starting position after 1 Play to claim. Currently, it also looks as if all the regular players are available. Sunday evening we will know again how it all went at the end.

There is now also a new "service" here:
the current wall poster, as he put up with us on the web, you can now always here on the edge of the blogs get. So you know, always up to us as it is ...^^

PS: Finally, a small in-house advertising. I've got a jump crew here in Chemnitz. This coming Sunday we are starting here about 16 .. 16:15 clock for an appearance on stage at the fall festival in the "marker oasis villages" in Chemnitz. Those who do not (more) to play and pleasure and has the time to look over time may look very happy. Information:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 Vs Hakkapeliitta 5

Biallas rocks in Parchim

the weekend of the 4th and 5 September met again skateboarders from all over Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and environment for the second Parchimer Skateboard Contest.
"Like last year, was the mood of the participants and spectators just great. This internal local atmosphere that is bringing the Parchimer always be just great. What impressed me in this contest so this is another drive instead of against each other, so that sometimes you feel no longer the feeling of a competition, "says co-organizer Stefan Hamann euphoric and adds, "so must run well, because fun is the most important thing!"
Furthermore fell to Stefan that the level from year to year and climb it's always more fun, this great show to see.

Tilman board with the middle of the finalists. Photo: Stefan Hamann

33 participants struggled through the preliminary rounds on Saturday. Ultimately, it was then 6 participants on Sunday were in the final over. "There have been just plain gross how people used the park literally apart," says Stefan at the final. The park in Parchim, with its rather small park elements good conditions for tricks that would otherwise not find work differently so easy. There were, for example, 360 flips, Hard flips, kick flips and double Nollie Kicklflips bank to bank. Tilman Biallas from Schwerin, there was again his now typical bank to rail transfers (50-50, Lipslide Board and Slide). He then tried to even could Kickflip Bs Boardslide, but he unfortunately does not extend. But not only Tilman rocked the park, of course, all finalists demonstrated damn good skateboarding. "I think it was the jury makes it really hard such a hard decision to take on the winner," says Stefan Hamann. At the end won Tilman Biallas, as in the past Year, the victory. 2nd Place went to Thomas Woller from Hamburg, which most certainly from the Baltic to know Brett Battle. To a born Rüganer Stefan Hamann says: "He has already proved to many a contest in our area that he can ride every park, as it were his own" The 3rd Place also went to Schwerin. Julio Mondlane could land his tricks in the preliminary rounds is almost always constant. In the final, he also expressed Kickflip, Backside Kickflip Hardflip and bank to bank. Thus ended a wonderful weekend with lots of beautiful experiences. "Overall, this weekend for me, the organizers and participants a success. I hope that next year again a contest is, "says Stefan Hamann.
We hope of course!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why Do I Have A White Bump Next To My Lipring

disappointing but instructive - "MV Battle" in Stralsund

Last weekend was held in Stralsund the "MV Battle" takes place. The original goal was breakdancing, BMX and skateboarding to join in an event. Generally a good idea and I also believe that the break dancers were really fun. What with regard to the BMX and Skateboard Contest at the end came out, I do not wish to comment further and give just a few tips on what you could do better next time:

- do not come up with the idea while driving 20 Skater let (insecure and a reasonably objective assessment by three jury members are not possible)
- bicycle saddle, locks or lamps are not suitable prices for skateboarders
- the skaters and BMXern at least give the impression that they do not conflict with the dancers at all important are
- clear statements make
- the responsibility spread across several so that no one is overwhelmed

a positive conclusion there was that day anyway. On your own, we moved from the skate Jury (thanks to Eric) a few Best Trick contests and by the boys and girls clearly had a lot of fun. As motivation to mosh the stairs, I haute another 50 €, which were meant as compensation for the jury's action, in the pot. In the end, divided Kietzmann, Fred from Greifswald for his BS Kickflip and David Scheibner of Stralsund, which showed a clean 360 flip, the coal.

David screwed his signature trick down the stairs. The many attempts paid off at the end. Photo: Lisa-Marie Hansen

Footage from the action you can see in the video by Tobi from Stralsund:

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Aunt Forced Me To Smell Her Pumps

WG A - is something for me?

To opt to study at home or abroad, which often means also to go to another city to live there. There then arises the question of whether to move into a dorm, in a flat share or a flat. This post should at least help answer the question whether a WG is a form of housing that fits into one.

The advantages of a flat jump almost immediately apparent: You live relatively cheap and is also the same in contact with new people in a new city. In the best case you move to a flat with known or even with friends, that may work, but not necessarily. If one in a brand new flat with roommates, this can be quite strenuous.

Typical Combat zone is the bathroom. Who can be the first to the bathroom and who was the last? As a student you can now and then it may indeed allow something (!) Come too late, but it is not recommended. It advisable to choose a flat share, in the not too many people need to strike out the bathroom. Alternatively, you can also drag in a non-student apartment where, besides a self-only early birds that need to impossible times to the bathroom while you sleep no more can.

The next critical point is the money. Normally, the resident pays a rent stream, since the current is applied to this population. Accordingly, should periodically ... ... the other residents of their units in these roommates transfer. Whether or not to square meters, will be paid for electricity consumption or for something else, can degenerate to the dispute. Special care should be (I know from personal experience, unfortunately) necessary for larger payments, which must pay a roommate, for example, the public utility or to the landlord. In these cases, we can certainly wait longer for money from his roommates, especially if they are already moved out of the payment of arrears, however, still affected!

WG-celebrations can be beautiful and cooking together is one of the fun activities in a shared apartment. be washed on the other side has to also cook together, which I also like to pass over less pleasant pastimes. In addition to the washing up there is still particularly the cleaning of the bathroom. Everyone is even think about it, and everyone was just getting to it. Then who the "most-turn" and therefore must actually be clean, then happily moved to the next week.

If the love then it will be very annoying, you can with maybe 70 EUR, you save per month, after a year of study will take perhaps a short-term and at the same time relaxing holiday on the WG (where the money goes not already included in the tuition fees ...).

is also problematic when a WG is hear everything. If you want to sleep or just left in peace while Roommates make noise, then this can be quite annoying. Should we perhaps learn even just helps, even if only the way to the library. Speaking of disturbing, which can also roommates who suddenly are in a relationship with each other ...

If all this could not ruin the conviction of a WG, then a flat is actually the right choice for you! To make it even to say again: A WG can also be beautiful, because they also have certain advantages ... only must outweigh these are not necessarily ...

Gay Bar Windsor Ontario

Successful start to the season

Yesterday we had the start of the new season 2010/2011.
We were right back on our own paths hosted the first Tournament.
with a score of 2561 wood we belgten 2nd Place behind the on the day the best team from 2613 Flöha with wood. 3rd place belgte Unit South.
Best Player of us was Ronny, who with 469 wood erpielte is a new junior track record.
I gladly would have written in detail. Unfortunately, I was this because of other things I still had to clarify this morning failed. Possibly. I am again in the coming days to have your say ....
Otherwise, there are all the results again this year on the side of the CKV ( LINK )....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Monster Energy Bookbag For Sale

Contest Parchim

The contest is the summer of 2010 in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern a close. Sorry. But this weekend there is still a highlight in Parchim. The guys there to organize their second Stefan Hamann Contest inclusive party. The whole thing lasts for two days. Saturday is registration plus preliminary round and exuberant party scene. On Sunday we can all enjoy a ride with a hangover and headache and the final.

Information at a Glance:

second Parchimer Skate Contest

when? 4. and 5 September 2010, where 10 clock
? Parchim, next to the Movie Star Cinema
2 Euro entry fee

+ Party on Saturday from 20 clock in the HDJ (next to Skate Park)

And if the skate park does not yet know: There is no short trailer here: