Friday, August 6, 2010

Mac Foundation Studio Fix Swatches

study humanities without Latinum - does it? The campus novel

Since I myself have no Latinum (which annoys me quite the way), but now has a humanities second degree (or rather, third degree) now, I have come across the problem that in most humanities subjects a Latinum is required.

What about exactly?

There are some liberal arts subjects (such as sociology / political science) which do not always necessarily a Latinum have prescribed; even from university to university, this seems to be different. Of Language there is hardly a way past the Latin. There

What options are there to get past this hurdle?

Most universities offer courses to acquire the Latin. Also asked about the University of Augsburg Latinum for various undergraduate courses until the end of the course. In this case, therefore, develop in parallel to study the Latinum later (the appropriate test - at least here in Bavaria - but are ultimately stored in a secondary school).

addition, there are often programs that are similar to the desired degree program, and require no Latin. If you want to study such as comparative literature, one could also study at the University of Hagen Cultural Studies with a focus on literature, for which no need Latinum is. (-> to distance learning, I will write soon be another post.)

In addition to the university courses, there are also private schools where they can occupy Latin courses and some adult education lead Latin courses in their lists.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Can You Transfer Pokemon From Computer To Ds

Footage of the BBB in Greifswald and Lankow Locals Contest in Schwerin

After the conclusion of the Baltic Brett Battle in last weekend Sellin, there is for you a compilation of the Greifswald Contests on 10 July!

Baltic Brett Battle Greifswald from Al Ederson on Vimeo .

And who on Saturday still has not kid: The Lankow Locals call the contest to Schwerin! From 10
clock it starts with practice. The contest starts against 13 clock. Danger is in the jam session format. There is also a game of skate and graffiti. Get more info here:

So take a look at the video and motivates you for the contest on Saturday!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Where Can I Get Arthritis Hand Wax Machine

The campus novel (or novel University) is according to Wikipedia a novel whose plot is based largely in and around the site of a University . There

Which famous German Campus novels are about? I have read in recent months, two of these novels (and the third has already been read). Here is a brief overview:

Magistra Monica Bohn

blurb: A small north German university town: The Young Master of Kathy is attracted to her twice as old supervisor Prof. Foerster. The romantic liaison turns to the unromantic, as he combines his academic position of power with sexual demands. While the heroine stumbles helplessly between laughter and tears, the old top dog knows his reputation as a respectable professor sent to protect.

The book reads well and is not too thick. I can definitely recommend it, even if the act is here and there a little predictable.

Only the strongest survive by Helene Uri

blurb: Pål Bentzen is a lucky man: He has a research unit won the prestigious Institute of Linguistics, and with his ambitious colleague Nanna started a promising affair. Nanna is working on a promising project, and Pål she strongly supports. That it preserves the public about their relationship to disclose bothers him little. One day, Pål encounters in the copy room on the text of the prestigious Professor Edith Rinkel. Much of it is somehow familiar to him. Has the professor their hypotheses may Nanna's stolen from work? Helene Uri campus novel exposes the dark side is not always quite so lofty world of science and tells of the struggle of two unusual rivals.

A very good book (428 pages). Not the whole story is at the Norwegian University (and there usually in the Institute for futuristic linguistics), but also to travel (such as to conferences), which I personally find very good.

the campus by Dietrich Schwanitz

blurb: Hanno Hackmann is Professor of Cultural Sociology at the University of Hamburg. He is regarded as competent and honest. Only his relationship to the student Barbara Clauditz, called Babs, it is increasingly becoming a threat. Without further ado, he decides to give her the sack. Babs wants to leave, only to be allowed to sleep only once with him in his study. Hackman can not ask twice. To the delight of the gaping construction workers, who chanted with applause.

As luck would have it, Babs takes over the role of a student raped by a professor in a university theater performance and breaks down there. In order to give her acting career a boost, she claims to have actually been raped by a university teacher. An avalanche of investigations, intrigue, false Bribery allegations and is thrown that is unstoppable. In Hanno Hackmann, who was regarded as a promising candidate as a university president, a veritable witch hunt will be held. As Babs wanted to write her thesis on him, he soon suspected.

The book I had ct actually needed for 1 on Amazon orders (+ shipping of course), be read, in Kassel in the station locker forgotten bought new (again at Amazon, used again, re ct for 1) and still no further managed to read. That will change soon though!

The carp by Carl-W. Voss

this book, I still do not get their hands on, so only the text of Amazon: Based on a story between a man and woman who are something like this take place outside of a university could be described tricks, tactics and scandals all too typical of the inner world of some German university. Some is directly, only indirectly with much of the central plot - a rape and the attempt at damage control - and therefore largely connected claim universal validity. A source familiar with the subtle high school scene and their representatives - the so-called carp pond - converts experience into fiction and gives it an authentic witness of a world that otherwise not so easy in the maps can look. His real heroes are women - none of them in management positions, and none in the professorship.

The intrigue of Dorothy Nolte (have not read, just found)

description from Amazon: If only all the seminars were so true to life as Professor of bud. All participants of the seminar intrigue at Berlin's Humboldt University is clear that this will change her life. With ease and a cheeky joke sends Dorothy Nolte appear a group of Berlin students on a journey in which fact and fiction in a whole new light.

The shadow of the ideas of Klaus Modick (unread, only found at Amazon)

description from Amazon: Two men, two centuries, two German fortunes in America. An eminently exciting, clear-sighted and timeless novel about fascination and contradictions of a country that is never sure of himself.

1935, the German historian Julius Steinberg refuge for being Jewish in Nazi Germany to the United States. After a dramatic odyssey through the misery of exile, he finds his personal and professional happiness as a professor at Vermont College Centerville. But when he no fault of the mills of McCarthy's witch hunt of communists device, is Steinberg's American dream into a nightmare. Half a century later, in the Iraq war, the writer Moritz Carlsen comes as Writer in Residence to the Centerville College, there to teach for six months. The working conditions are good, the appropriate salary, and the ubiquitous patriotism, support the Americans their troops in Iraq appears to be only an unavoidable evil in Centerville. But then Carlsen met by chance on letters and posthumous recordings Julius Steinberg - written in prison. At first only curious, Carlsen researched the adventurous life of the exiled 50 years ago Historian and is a dark secret on the track. In the climate of suspicion and hysteria present, he makes the bitter experience of that history repeats itself. For Carlsen brings a man and disturbing events to the light, wants to be remembered in Centerville nobody ...

Other campus novels

There are a number of other German-speaking campus novels (and of course also English speaking, but up to this I am not yet arrived). Here is a list I made of the dissertation of Victoria Stachowicz (in the above mentioned Wikipedia article link, p. 244) have taken:

Bodenstein, Eckhard: The Ernie principle. A campus novel, Frankfurt aM: Eichborn 1999
mandrel Thea Berliner Enlightenment Berlin Rotbuch 1996
Heiche Walter: stepchild the AlmaMater. Novel from a university city, Dresden: Gustav Herrlich 1905
Hüfner, Stefan: The physicist and the experiment. From the life of an extraordinary professor, Constance: University Press 1988
children, Herman: From the time Schweinemut, Zurich: Diogenes 1980
Nolte, Dorothy: The intrigue. A campus novel, Berlin: Argon 1998
Schmickl, Gerald: All that is the case, Vienna: Deuticke 1994
Schwanitz, Dietrich: The Campus, Frankfurt aM: Eichborn 1995
Schwanitz, Dietrich: The Circle. A romantic comedy Frankfurt aM: Eichborn 1998
Spitzer, Hartwig: Ivory Tower. A novel University, Frankfurt aM: Fischer R. 1993
Stengl, Britta: Pen Lingen. A novel University, Tübingen: Klopfer and Meyer 1997
Tholpek, Hans: The early withdrawal. A college novel, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag 1987
Trudt, Heiner: Bockenheimer bouillabaisse. A Uni-Crime, London: 1997 Eichborn
Wierichs, Peter: professors rarely die quietly, Mühlheim: Count of Westarp 1986
Zeller, Michael: Follens heritage. A German history, Munich: dtv 1990

Have fun reading!

Monday, August 2, 2010

How To Unlock Blocked Chanels

Florian Porath wins the Baltic Brett Battle 2010 Final Battle

Sellin found in the finale last Saturday in PSM Skate Park. The day's victory went to Thomas Woolridge on "his" ramps. Unbelievable how consistently drove the boy to this day. Up to the last trick in the final, he went almost four minutes long stay on!
Florian Porath from Wismar secured the second place in the final overall victory at the Battle Baltic Brett 2010th In Greifswald and Sellin, he was number 4 and was therefore probably the most consistent of all participants. Sellin he shone again with stylish runs and a Nollie 360 Shove It Transfers in the final.
won the Best Trick Tilman Biallas after hours stood in a traffic jam and missed the actual contest. He was so angry that he had just time to transfer boardslide, 50-50 Lipslide and shook off the cuff. Jannik Marx was best young rider from Hamburg.
is a more detailed report later!
Here are the results of the Baltic Brett Battle 2010:

Daily score Sellin

first Thomas Woller 25 points
second Florian Porath 18
third Florian Fentzahn 15
4th Martin Buchholz 12
5th Eric Jesche 10
6th Johannes Eder 8
7th Andre Rhode six
8th Stefan Hamann 4

Best Young Rider

Jannik Marx, Hamburg

Best Trick

Tilman Biallas, Schwerin

Appreciation Baltic Brett Battle 2010

first Florian Porath 47 points
second Thomas Woller 43
third Eric Jesche 30
4th Christian Kleem 25
Benjamin Ripsch 25
6th Denny Pham 18
7th Florian Fentzahn 15
Alex Schmuhl 15